Transcript of roundtable discussion "The October revolution and dispersal of Constituentassembly"at the Institute of Russian historyRussian Academy of Sciences30 October 2007.

Prominent Russian historians have taken part in discussion. Such problems, as a place of October revolution in history of Russia, destiny and consequences of dispersal of the Constituent assembly, a role of persons in revolution were discussed.


Interstine struggle for Galich in first half of XIII century. New approaches, Morozova L. E.

Data about related communications of participants of interstine struggle for Galich in first half XIII century are analysed. The reasons and consequences of civil strife are considered.


Canonical treatise «Sobranie nekoego startsa»: The first wording, Sizintsev S. P.

This article says about the first stage of the history of text of canonic treatise "Sobranie nekoego startsa", written by Vassian Patrikeev on the theme of monastic property. The author in detail examined all explorer's opinions, offered own decisions of some problems, put in new terminology for main wordings of treatise. The text of the first wording of canonic treatise is published at the conclusion of the article for the first time".


History of the publication of stolnik A. I. Bezobrazov archive, Novokhatko O. V.

It is told about destiny of unique private archive of XVII century, which enables to observe a life of capital, a country town and serf village eyes of the ordinary participant of this life, unlike evidences of foreigners or correspondence of reigning persons and their confidants.


The spiritually-moral approach in studying political reprisals against Russian Orthodox Church in Russia the XX-th century (from experience of archival researches of a publishing department of Optina Pustyn), monk Platon (Rozhkov).

On an example of tragical destiny of monks of the monastery OptinaPustyn thenecessity of the spiritually-moral approach to studying archival documents, of penetration into a private world of the person, of search of religious-philosophical sense of events is proved.


Problems of the Soviet modernization and social risks in second half 1950 — the beginning of 1970th, Ivanova G. M.

It is shown, that the integral feature of the Soviet process of the forced modernization which are carried out within the limits of mobilization model of development of economy, there were social, ecological, technogenic and other risks.


Returning old-moscow names, Dormidontov V. S.

This article says aboutthe project of returning the primordial historical names of the areas, streets and lanes of Moscow lost within the Soviet authority.


Reflections about Velikoretskij krestnyj khod, archpriest Alexander Balyberdin.

The author results the historical material connected with occurrence of tradition of annual religious procession to a place of the phenomenon wonder-workingVelikoretskij icon of Prelate Nikolay.


«Tarakan vo shchakh»: trade unions and strikes during the NEP in documents of the Russian archives, L. V. Borisovoj's publication.

The selection of documents describing activity of the Soviet trade unions and strike movement duringthe NEP is presented. Published materials show the various parties of a life of workers in the beginning of 1920th, their mutual relations with authority and trade-union bodies.


Historians offer and achieve: returning of historical names to railway stations «Gorkij»and «Sverdlovsk» in 2010.

Documents, on the basis of which the decision of the government of the Russian Federation on returning historical names to railway stations «Gorkij» and «Sverdlovsk» is accepted, are placed.


Russian Orthodoxy of XVII century eyes of foreign travellers, Sapaeva E. V.

The author considers features of Russian religious life of XVII century from the point of view of perception their foreign travellers — A. Oleary, A. Meyerberg, Paul of Aleppo.


The socially-psychological characteristic of cossacks during movement of E. Pugachev, Volochaeva A. V.

The analysis of a role and place of cossacks in E. Pugachev's movement is given. Its social and territorial heterogeneity, which has affected psychology of cossacks and their mutual relation during revolt, is shown.


« The union on October, 17th » and P. A. Stolypin: poorlystudied aspects of cooperation, Sedova Y. A.

The author shows, that, despite of P. A. Stolypin's support «The union on October, 17th », essential divergences in sights at a state system of Russian empire and personal qualities of the «oktyabrist» leader A. I. Guchkov have not allowed to prolong this promising cooperation.


Historiographic images of the Soviet daily life (1917 — the beginning of 1950th), Belousova O. S.

The most typical problems of a daily life of a society during almost 40-years period of the Soviet history are considered: provisioning and supply by subjects of mass consumption, criminality, drunkenness, housing disorder.